The cop called back today and we have a date for Saturday night. We are going to do dinner or something like that. He is supposed to call tomorrow to firm up plans. I am intrigued now. I haven't been pursued like this in quite a while. He has not lost interest yet and I haven't had to do anything really. And, he is still interested even after I put the brakes on sex Sunday night. My friend T said I am worth it. It should be interesting.
I love three day weekends. I am getting excited that I don't have to work on Monday. I also love the fact that I have plans all weekend. Friday afternoon I will spend the day at the DMV to take care of the car issue. Hopefully that will go smoothly. Friday night myself, A1 and the girls are going out on the town. It should be fun. Saturday is the date, Sunday A1 and I are going to hang out in Annapolis, then Monday we are headed for mom's house for a bbq. I can't wait for the fun to begin!