and other bad advice my friends give me
Published on May 20, 2004 By wiggleyertoes In Misc
My co-worker (who I wish was single because he is so cute) suggested to me today that I "just have to get out there and meet people". I kiddingly said, "sure, I'll just walk down Wisconsin Ave with a sandwich board on me saying that I am single and ringing a bell like the salvation army santas". Can you believe that he told me that might be a good idea? (He was kidding, of course!)

He suggested a personal ad online as well. He even offered to write it for me. I know better than to do that. The ex and I met through an online site and I am just not ready to do that just yet. I cannot bring myself to look. The last time I looked was a few weeks ago. And when I looked, I found Chris' profile...the same one that he used to lure me in. I was heartbroken. I called him on it, and of course he denied that it was his profile. I did not fall off the turnip wagon! I just wanted the truth. I could have handled the truth. So whenever I think about online dating, I think about him.

I just don't know what to do with myself anymore. I am tired of being alone already. I don't want to date anyone else really. I felt that I just needed a distraction to help me get over him, which is impossible. Really--- I just want my boyfriend back, and I can't have him. He decided that much. I want to call him, I want to see him. He doesn't want to see me or hear from me at all. I do semi-psychotic things like drive by his apartment to see if he is home but I don't get out of my car---I just see if the light is on or not. I read the old emails, look at pictures, and remember all the good times. I want him back in my life.

on May 20, 2004
A California friend said it well: "It's not like you can walk into CVS and say, 'I'm out of girlfriends,' and have them tell you, 'oh, no problem, they're on aisle five!'" Right! I'll take a two pack and one for the freezer. Nope, doesn't work like that. It's a two-to-a-team-tango deal, yes it is.

On the other hand, if the Hindus are right, I would pay everything I've got to come back as a woman. Talk about having all the cards, unless you come into the world in the realm of the veil and female circumcision, of course. Here, my dear sweet woman, whenever you are truly ready(just bring condoms), you can find all the distractions you want. All you need is clarity, a little bit of savvy about boys, and an ability to communicate what you want.

Admittedly, as long as you're in that heart-hurt zone of driving by his window, the hang-dog/lost puppy pathetic space will seem to consume all other possibilities. It will pass, and you will be the glorious goddess again, lucky little devil. Keep us posted, may your next lover be as gifted in bed as Cupid and as generous of heart as Prometheus.
on May 20, 2004
You know I was in your same position once... but I didnt let shit stop me, yeah I was down and out and shit but I didnt close the door on anything... and low and behold I found teh woman of my dreams in the most unexpected place... in a chat room, we were just talking one day and then became friends and next thing you know here we are almost ready to celebrate our 10 month anni... so with that said I say dont close any doors and dont close your heart to any possiblity...

on May 20, 2004
I think I'ma try it.
