another over-analysis of a conversation
Published on May 18, 2004 By wiggleyertoes In Misc
Ok, so the handsome stranger called on Thursday night. We agreed that it would be fun to meet for drinks sometime this week. We both didnt know our availability, so he said he would call "early in the week". Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't early in the week mean before Wednesday? Wednesday means mid-week to me. Early week would mean Monday or Tuesday. Maybe I'm looking too deep into the conversation, but he hasn't called, and maybe I am a bit disappointed. Maybe he's busy with work or something dreadful happened. But, still... And, the past two days I haven't been sitting around waiting for the phone to ring either. I have been really busy. I had stuff to do last night and tonight I had a softball game. But I noticed tonight that it was Tuesday and I still haven't received a call. I can't call him-I don't have his number! Plus, I don't want to appear desperate to him (but I guess I have no qualms about appearing desperate to complete strangers!)

I know, I know, men don't call when they say they will, but I was looking forward to going on a quasi-date with someone interesting. So, anyway, I have plans for dinner tomorrow night with the girls, and after schedule is depressingly free. I am afraid that if he does call, my availability will scare him off. The only thing I have to do after Wednesday social obligation wise, is a freaking tea party Saturday afternoon. Yes, a tea party. With the league ladies (not to be confused with the lonely hearts club--those ladies would balk at a ridiculous tea party). Should I just accept spinsterdom now and adopt stray cats to get a head start or what? I could find a nice housecoat and pink fuzzy slippers while I'm at it!

My friends all think I'm nuts and that I need to just chill out about this not calling thing. But, I am so far out of the game that I am just clueless about what to do now. One person has shown a brief interest in seeing me, and now I am analyzing brief conversations with him. Great!

on May 19, 2004
I feel your angst. I find myself thinking about the same kind of crap... the best thing to do is just start planning your own things to do. If he calls, great, if not, you're busy anyway, so it's no big loss. Having said that, I still do think I know what you are going through...